When did the cogs of time begin to spin?
Clue : Highlight to read =)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Examination week, plus my quats and back still hurt from gym session.

Anyway, since this blog's is called "Let Me Dream", I figured I should write something about my dreams.
Apparently, my morbid little dream is getting more vivid, and I'm progressing further, like some sort of story. Initially it was just me finding myself in a really run-down city, where ALL things only had the same color: grey The sky was crimson though. Typical setting.
Then slowly, walks out zombies from all directions *shrugs at the idea of resident evil*
THEN, I start lashing out a blade that seems like it was synthesized onto my forearm (alike to that in Full Metal Alchemist)
On goes the killing for awhile... then I wake up. Good thing I didn't die in there. haha.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

All's not good. School started. My classmates aren't as dope as wished.
BUT, it's a new lifestyle(which is pretty screwed but whatever...)
And I'm getting Abs =D
Well... At least that's pretty soon, in a month or so.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Flag Touchdown. Day1 of week15 AirAlert CLEAR~!
I'm good.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ya! It's week13 of AirAlert. My one and only happy week. FULL REST.
The sad thing is that my hardest week, the last week, happens to be the week my school starts.
Bummer... Going to my first days of school like a zombie isn't funny. Not one bit.
Oh well... That's just the way it is. Gotta get it done and over with. I hope my lifelessness doesn't create a bad image of me (Whilst my classmates should get to understand me better over time, first impressions always count. right?)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

hey hey!
moving on to air alert 11th week... my legs are gonna hurt...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

AirAlert week9 ALMOST conquered. Almost is pretty cool sometimes.
The only whore left, oops I meant "chore".
As I was saying, the only chore left is to wake up at 6 or sometime around there to do the last day of AirAlert week9 before going to the exhibition to work...

Friday, March 6, 2009

8th week AirAlert completed.
Gyming is helping... I think.
Now all i gotta do is remove the excess skin...

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's been awhile folks.
I've been tied down by poly administration stuff... The usual papers and draggy processes.
But I've conquered AirAlert Week 7, and am about to start the conquest of the 8th, the so-called margin if i am capable enough for the coming weeks. I'll own. Definitely.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The worst day of the 5th week of AirAlert is nailed, which also translates to 5th week GET!

Alright alright, awesome as it is, I'd move on to stuff.
A friend was thinking of a Genting-Highlands trip in march before he finally goes to NS. Nice.
Pondering if I'm gonna be allowed to go. It's a teens kinda thing ya?
And pondering if I should bring my fans (such as you) along.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Haha. I came over a conversation that my friend showed me and that inspired this post's opening.

Kon. - Footos Mint. The Fresh Fighter. says:
[.::.I took it all out of fear of losing you.::.] says:
the ceiling =)
Kon. - Footos Mint. The Fresh Fighter. says:
[.::.I took it all out of fear of losing you.::.] says:
the floor =)
Kon. - Footos Mint. The Fresh Fighter. says:
[.::.I took it all out of fear of losing you.::.] says:
the wall =)
Kon. - Footos Mint. The Fresh Fighter. says:
Kon. - Footos Mint. The Fresh Fighter. says:
[.::.I took it all out of fear of losing you.::.] says:
the windoe =)
Kon. - Footos Mint. The Fresh Fighter. says:
whuuuuz... fuck this o-o
Kon. - Footos Mint. The Fresh Fighter. says:
[.::.I took it all out of fear of losing you.::.] says:
lol hey

Everytime I have conversations and I start with "sup", "wassup" or "wats up",
this was the direction i was hoping it goes. Haha

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let me start of by saying "Fuck all the relatives on my mother's side for not turning up anywhere and thus not giving me more red packets <=> money."
Anyway, I'm grateful to each new year, it gives me a chance to see my relatives not that I wanna see them that much, but there's the monetary value in seeing them during this period, you know.

For this year, I have a few wishes, namely the following :
1st, May my bros in JC do well and get all the girls
2nd, May my friends remain alive till the next time I see them
3rd, May all the DumbFucks who are going to cross fates with me this year die before doing so.

And that's about all.
Have a Nice Day, Bored-Reader

Friday, January 23, 2009

I got ninety nine problems and a bench is still one. T_T
Did bench-presses yesterday till my left shoulder felt a little dislocated, and as I type this crap, the arm still feels out of place.
Yesterday was ALMOST all-good but as i was getting done with my Jack Knife exercise (it's an exercise for abs) , a fat lady who apparently works as a trainer at the gym, asked me to get a towel for 1.50 at the counter cuz I forgot to bring mine.
Words like "What the F***", "Screw you" and many more instantly flashed in my brain. But as usual, I did the mature thing and said, "I was about to leave, thank you"
HAHA got her there.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Firstly, I'd like to announce to myself that I've finished week 2 of AirAlert. When I'm done with week 15, my status will be upgraded from "venn" to "King venn". You'll understand if you do AirAlert. heheh.

Anyway, moving on to the not so important stuff.
I never saw the continuation of the dream, which is something more realistic. That friend's sister (whom I was together with) is far from the docile persona she had in my dream. So it's in a ways a good thing. And I can never for the life of me reveal the name, cuz IF word somehow got to her (since you people reading are all bored people you may decide to spread it)
then I'm dead meat.

Moving on, I'm now documenting a friend's quotes for the book he's going to write in the future. The name has not been decided on yet, but its a book related to getting girls *hahaha*
So you go-getters and rookies out there can pre-order the book with me, not that it may actually be written *hahaha*

Monday, January 19, 2009

Heheh... It's me again.
It's been awhile, but due to popular demand(?) I'm back to writing this stuff.
Anyways, its a good thing that the demand came in yesterday, cuz I had a weird dream...
It was about how a friend's sister and I were together. The catch is, i haven't seen either my friend nor her sister for like, 1year+
Fushibi desu ne? (It's a mystery isn't it?)

We were kinda like newly together in the dream though, and haven't even got the FrenchKiss part correct yet, haha. and here i thought tat was one of the basic parts I'd accomplish almost immediately. But its a dream, so i don't blame myself. Besides, unless she's really hot, maximum age is 1year younger, no younger than that =)

Anyway, to those reading this hit(or something tat rhymes with hit, like... shit?)
You're probably very bored and I'm glad this stuff isn't bringing a smile to your face, I'm not a comedian.
But I DO wish you a happy CNY, and IF you're not chinese, then you gotta wait till your new year haha.
Till the next post, Venn is out!