When did the cogs of time begin to spin?
Clue : Highlight to read =)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Heheh... It's me again.
It's been awhile, but due to popular demand(?) I'm back to writing this stuff.
Anyways, its a good thing that the demand came in yesterday, cuz I had a weird dream...
It was about how a friend's sister and I were together. The catch is, i haven't seen either my friend nor her sister for like, 1year+
Fushibi desu ne? (It's a mystery isn't it?)

We were kinda like newly together in the dream though, and haven't even got the FrenchKiss part correct yet, haha. and here i thought tat was one of the basic parts I'd accomplish almost immediately. But its a dream, so i don't blame myself. Besides, unless she's really hot, maximum age is 1year younger, no younger than that =)

Anyway, to those reading this hit(or something tat rhymes with hit, like... shit?)
You're probably very bored and I'm glad this stuff isn't bringing a smile to your face, I'm not a comedian.
But I DO wish you a happy CNY, and IF you're not chinese, then you gotta wait till your new year haha.
Till the next post, Venn is out!

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