When did the cogs of time begin to spin?
Clue : Highlight to read =)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Firstly, I'd like to announce to myself that I've finished week 2 of AirAlert. When I'm done with week 15, my status will be upgraded from "venn" to "King venn". You'll understand if you do AirAlert. heheh.

Anyway, moving on to the not so important stuff.
I never saw the continuation of the dream, which is something more realistic. That friend's sister (whom I was together with) is far from the docile persona she had in my dream. So it's in a ways a good thing. And I can never for the life of me reveal the name, cuz IF word somehow got to her (since you people reading are all bored people you may decide to spread it)
then I'm dead meat.

Moving on, I'm now documenting a friend's quotes for the book he's going to write in the future. The name has not been decided on yet, but its a book related to getting girls *hahaha*
So you go-getters and rookies out there can pre-order the book with me, not that it may actually be written *hahaha*

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