When did the cogs of time begin to spin?
Clue : Highlight to read =)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Examination week, plus my quats and back still hurt from gym session.

Anyway, since this blog's is called "Let Me Dream", I figured I should write something about my dreams.
Apparently, my morbid little dream is getting more vivid, and I'm progressing further, like some sort of story. Initially it was just me finding myself in a really run-down city, where ALL things only had the same color: grey The sky was crimson though. Typical setting.
Then slowly, walks out zombies from all directions *shrugs at the idea of resident evil*
THEN, I start lashing out a blade that seems like it was synthesized onto my forearm (alike to that in Full Metal Alchemist)
On goes the killing for awhile... then I wake up. Good thing I didn't die in there. haha.

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