When did the cogs of time begin to spin?
Clue : Highlight to read =)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let me start of by saying "Fuck all the relatives on my mother's side for not turning up anywhere and thus not giving me more red packets <=> money."
Anyway, I'm grateful to each new year, it gives me a chance to see my relatives not that I wanna see them that much, but there's the monetary value in seeing them during this period, you know.

For this year, I have a few wishes, namely the following :
1st, May my bros in JC do well and get all the girls
2nd, May my friends remain alive till the next time I see them
3rd, May all the DumbFucks who are going to cross fates with me this year die before doing so.

And that's about all.
Have a Nice Day, Bored-Reader

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