When did the cogs of time begin to spin?
Clue : Highlight to read =)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

hey hey!
moving on to air alert 11th week... my legs are gonna hurt...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

AirAlert week9 ALMOST conquered. Almost is pretty cool sometimes.
The only whore left, oops I meant "chore".
As I was saying, the only chore left is to wake up at 6 or sometime around there to do the last day of AirAlert week9 before going to the exhibition to work...

Friday, March 6, 2009

8th week AirAlert completed.
Gyming is helping... I think.
Now all i gotta do is remove the excess skin...

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's been awhile folks.
I've been tied down by poly administration stuff... The usual papers and draggy processes.
But I've conquered AirAlert Week 7, and am about to start the conquest of the 8th, the so-called margin if i am capable enough for the coming weeks. I'll own. Definitely.