When did the cogs of time begin to spin?
Clue : Highlight to read =)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chilling out, twiddling my thumbs, typing this crap.
But seriously, the SITEX IT Fair job was NOT Fair to me ; The pay sucks. But oh well, life's like that. This turns out to be a diary rather than something for people to read.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today I was lucky or is it just a random way to get back my kindness in the form of luck or something...
I handed 10bucks to the lady for some bread my mum asked me to buy, and she gave me 40bucks extra change. HAHA

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jesus Christ, I'm back from my OTHER exams (the last one) and I'm so screwed.
Polytechnic is DEFINITE.
But anyway, I should always move along, and not get dampened by the fact that I've thrown away 1 year out of my precious lifetime doing something as fruitless as staying in a JC that I can't continue.
Watch out poly-goers, Venn Is On The Loose, movie premiers next year.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I got 5 simple words for everyone today.
"Hi people!" and "Damn, my exams..."
Yes, although i was studying (or attempting to) for the past many days,
I still think I'm screwed hard this time around...
Maybe I shud just go to poly? Wonder...


Monday, June 16, 2008

hey sup people (if anyone is reading)

sorry for the SUPER big gap between the last post and this,
kinda did not feel like doing this stuff anymore,
my comp was going through a series of getting virus and repairing... (and no i did NOT try anything funny to get the virus)
i got some inspiration from my buddy whose hair can compete with mine(half a year ago)
credits to this jackass called stenphel *clap clap*

btw, im still waiting for someone to lend me an accoustic guitar since a particular evelyn hasnt...
i'll be studying for exams for now cuz some S.O.B. planned the exams AFTER the holidays to burn away our holidays studying (I'm feeling the heat..)

alright, moving on,

today, me and some frens had a mini-gathering.
boy, tat hawaiian pizza was FAR behind Pizza Hut's and PaPa's Pizza (btw i ordered from canadian OH TWO FOR ONE)

yes, we took some shots (not liquor, we're good underage kids)

HOWEVER, a particular evelyn didnt charge her cam's batt and we had to use a not very efficient handphone (sorry sten if this offends you)

favourite shot of the day:

Monday, February 11, 2008

Hey everyone! (who are reading this crap)
It's time again for the weekly update (it's not really weekly... you can see the inconsistance)

Chinese New Year just passed...
So, Happy CNY to those reading!

However, if you're not a chinese (i wonder how? cuz im a beeg racist)
There's always Happy INY/MNY

Friday, February 1, 2008

Doing this at friend's place, haha...
Posted my choices few days ago T_T
I'm gonna end up in ITE T_T

zzz been having BAD dreams
I've been recording what I see as a third person in this not-so-cute notebook, if you're interested (although no one reads this blog in the first place) you can ask me =X

Monday, January 28, 2008

mmm... it's been awhile since I did something here XD
since no one reads its ok, but watever.
as usual it's in black, so u gotta highlight...

O lvl results!! ah XD
i got 16 mmm... tats supposed to be "ok"
BUT, my mum is comparing me with her fren's son, who got 11
oh well, he was a no-life nerdo-faggot anyway... i forgive him.

Stay Tuned for more rubbish by the Great Venn

Friday, January 4, 2008

Hello again people who read (either ur weird or ur stupid to actually be reading this stuff) School started =)
To those who have to go to school, MUAHAHAHAHA *cough cough*
I mean, good luck! Hope u hav a fruitful year and have fun at school!

As for the other slackers who don't hav school... enjoy urselves now, cuz u'd be in school soon too =)